Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


The number of companies that are in an earnings or liquidity crisis is still high. In addition, in a crisis situation, the relationship of trust between the parties involved, be it management, owners, creditors or customers, is often disrupted.

In such a situation, it is particularly necessary to use experienced restructuring consultants to overcome the crisis and avoid the company’s impending insolvency.

For equity and debt providers in particular, the planned restructuring measures (turnaround) play a crucial role in assessing the risk situation in the company. The basis for this is the continuation concept that is to be drawn up on the basis of a careful company analysis. Most credit institutions require a restructuring concept (according to IDW S 6) drawn up in accordance with the specifications of the Institute of Public Auditors (IWP), which meets the requirements set by the IWP and offers an objective assessment of the company’s ability to be restructured and its worthiness for restructuring.

Our services in the area of ​​restructuring consulting include:

  • Careful company analysis and determination of crisis causes
  • Advice on impending insolvency
  • Development of restructuring measures (catalogue of measures)
  • If necessary, creation of a restructuring concept in accordance with IDW S 6
  • Support in the implementation of restructuring measures (turn-around)

Our consultants support companies in a crisis situation and accompany them through the entire turn-around process.